Press review and what they say about me

I have worked for more than 10 years on, wandering around feline fairs, organizing events at fairs that talk about animals, collaborating, filming, interviewing…and in all this time I have had an incredible return in terms of affection and notoriety, on magazines, podcasts and various channels. Here are some of them.

Quattrozampe, a reference magazine for the animal world, in the April 2017 issue, reviewed the behavioral manual of MicioGatto

MicioGatto su Quattrozampe

Read my interview on website >>

Listen to Audra Bertolone’s podcast where I talk about myself and my work >>

Listen to the Radio Vicenza interview:

Radio Vicenza Interview with MicioGatto Part 1
Radio Vicenza Interview with MicioGatto Part 2

In 2019 I also appeared on the Giornale di Vicenza, my city’s newspaper 🙂

Elisa Bertoldi di MicioGatto sul Giornale di Vicenza

In 2019, a video interview of mine also appeared for the Room21 magazine:

I no longer count the interviews and quotes that have been made to me, what interests me is to continue in my work of spreading the culture of the cat and I see that many seeds that I have planted over time have already germinated and now in people there is much more awareness.

Some comments from my followers

It gives me a HUGE pleasure to receive all the testimonials, compliments, opinions about the website, the Newsletter, the blog articles and the products in the Shop.
The purpose of this website is to know felines and live happily with them, with respect and care, so I am very pleased that the message arrives and spreads.

If you also want to give me feedback or an opinion, write to me at!

Thank you and thank you again to everyone :*

Hello, first of all I thank you for your availability and for these gifts, I find this site very useful. I am also thrilled to have found this site by chance and thanks to it to find people who love cats like me. I hope that a bit of cat-loving can spread everywhere.
Sara R.

Hi, the guide is really useful, especially regarding the issue of privacy and the type of “kennel” with holes from where the cat can spy on the surroundings, it does not like night shelters from which it cannot see what is happening outside, I noticed that!
As for the firecrackers of the patronal festivals, is there nothing that can be done? Thanks and compliments for your guide, precise and concise. Bye.

I found the guide very interesting!!!!
in fact they like to see from above and one of mine climbs up on the wardrobe as soon as he can as far as scratching posts are concerned I have two tall ones and several short ones and they love them I would give anything to make my treasures happy
thanks for the information
see you soon

Thanks Elisa for your precious advice. My cat has a scratching post with a den and a base to rest on. She uses it regularly but also uses the sofa (the sofa cover is old we let her use it).

Thanks again I await other advice

I immediately liked it a lot, as soon as I opened it!
It really is an excellent site: complete, well set up, very useful and also fun =)
Have a good evening and thanks again!!!

The guide is simple but useful, I think I do almost everything that is written. I have a 1 and a half year old kitten and I think she is quite happy. I also have a dog, almost 2 years old, and they grew up together so they keep each other company enough but sometimes it seems to me that she gets a bit bored especially when the dog goes out with us and she stays at home. So I try to leave her toys and balls to keep her entertained?
I discovered today, it seems nice and useful! I will use it often!
See you soon, elisa<

I read the guide in a flash and at every word or sentence I turned and looked at my 2 cats who live life exactly as it was described in this guide :D………In fact, they have even more vices and obsessions, but on the other hand, those who live and love cats, as written in the introduction, are POSSESSED by them and not the other way around.
Your initiative is excellent, as a lover (or rather, an adorer is the right word) of cats (together with my girlfriend), I will definitely follow your blog which I find very interesting, well structured and full of photos and interesting news…….
I will definitely contact you again to get info on the next tenant who will enter my house, since we want to take a third cat, but we haven’t decided on the breed yet;
currently we have 2 Persians, one black (Ruky) hypertype 12 years old (on June 29th) and the other blond (Leo) normotype 5 and 1/2 years old (6 on October 24th), I would like another Persian, but I go crazy for Munchkins… We’ll see, then maybe we’ll go to the shelter and take an abandoned kitten…

So full steam ahead and continue to follow MicioGatto to discover all the projects I have in mind!

Also discover here all the ways to stay in touch with me and follow MicioGatto