Siberian cat | Character, characteristics and price

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This mammoth cat, the Siberian cat, retains its feline instinct and its independence, while adapting to living at home, but better with a garden. It is a wonderful long-haired cat, with a faithful and affectionate character, considered almost a “cat dog”. Let’s get to know him better.

Character of the Siberian cat

The Siberian cat adapts to life at home but also needs space to live outdoors.

It has softened thanks to the breeding program, but it is not yet completely domesticated, the Siberian cat still has a very independent character.

His hunter instinct is still well rooted, so when you have a cat at home you need to be careful if you have other small animals, as you may have the instinct to “play” with it.

However, it is very connected to its human being, at home it is quite quiet and very fond of comfort, like all cats.

Despite its enormous massive mass, it is a pretty pacioccone cat that loves the company even of children. He becomes attached to them as to his human.

Siberian cat
Siberian cat – photo by Flavio Facibeni

He loves the game like all cats, and oddly enough, he also loves water, some say that the Siberian cat is even thrown into the tank!

If you have the opportunity to go out, be careful because the Siberian cat, due to its character still linked to instinct, could tend to stray far from home.

Females are more homely, so let’s keep in mind.

It is therefore good to have a garden to make it enjoy open spaces, but be careful that it does not come out for its excursions,

Siberian cat: is it an hypoallergenic cat?

It is very unlikely that his coat will cause allergic reactions, as the Siberian cat lacks the production of the FEL d1 protein, responsible for cat hair allergies, so it is also suitable for those who suffer from this problem, but so much want a cat friend. For this it is called anallergic cat. In this article we have talked extensively about cat hair allergy.
Find out in this article what are the hypoallergenic cats.

Appearance and characteristics of the Siberian cat

The build is massive and powerful, the medium long hair.
To reach their final appearance and their maturity they take up to five years.

The head is round, broad and flat. The ears are large and rounded.

The eyes are large, almost round, intense yellow-green, the neck is massive, the legs are large and round.

All colors are recognized except chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn.

Siberian cat
Siberian cat – photo by Flavio Facibeni

The recognized classic colors are red, black and tortoise, its diluted colors are blue, cream and blucrema. There are also the silver and smoke varieties.

The colorpoint subject is called “Neva Masquerade”, in colorpoints it is difficult to distinguish the classic tabby (blotched) from the tiger (mackerel) design.

Weight: the male can reach 12 kilos and the female 6-8 kilos.

The Siberian cat was born to live in the snow and therefore its body is made to repair the organs from the cold with a thick skin, and the mighty bulk.

Origins of the Siberian cat

The Siberian cat originates from the cross between a common domestic cat brought to Siberian Russia, and the wild cat of the Ural mountains and the central Siberia plateau.

It is a strong and resistant cat, massive. Some researchers believe that it is the first long-haired breed, from which Angora, Maine Coon, Turkish Van and Norwegian derive.

It was officially described only in 1925 in the magazine Brehms Tierleben, among the semi-long hair cats of the Caucasus.

The first specimen was imported from Leningrad to Germany in 1989 by two breeders: Hans and Betti Schulz, who still breed and boast numerous Siberian specimens in their breeding. Thanks to the breeder Elisabeth Terrel and David Boehm the Siberian also spread to the United States, contending the primacy with the Maine Coon.

Breed standard:

Category II: Semi-long hair
Associations that recognize the breed: AACE, ACF, ACFA, CFA, FIFé, GCCF, LOOF, SACC, TICA, WCF

  • General appearance
  • Size: From medium to large, females are generally smaller than males
  • Head
  • Shape: A little longer than wide, slightly rounded, massive
  • Front: Wide, just rounded
  • Cheeks: Well developed cheekbones
  • Nose: Of medium length, wide, in profile it shows a slight indentation (‘indentation’) but without interruptions (‘stop’)
  • Chin: Slightly elusive, in profile draws a curve from the upper line of the nose.
  • Ears
  • Shape: Of medium size, well open at the base, the tips are rounded.
  • The inside of the ear has well developed internal hairs and tufts (‘tuft’)
  • Placement: Well spaced, inclined slightly forward
  • Eyes
  • Shape and placement: Large, slightly oval in shape
  • Slightly oblique, well spaced
  • Color: Any color is allowed. There is no relationship between the color of the body and that of the eyes. In any case, a well-defined eye color is preferable.
  • Body
  • Structure: Good skeleton and musculature, powerful neck, wide chest, body in proportion to create a rectangular appearance
  • Legs
  • Of medium height, they form a rectangle with the body, strong
  • Feet: Large, round with tufts (‘tuft’) between well developed fingers
  • Tail
  • Long, thick with rounded tip. Covered from all sides with thick fur without “flattened hair”.
  • cloak
  • Semi-long, well developed, very dense structure. The undercoat does not fall flat and the overcoat is waterproof, slightly hard to the touch.
  • The summer fur is much shorter than the winter one.
  • The winter fur shows the well-developed pectoral hair, a full collar and “shorts”.
  • Color: SIB All color varieties are allowed, including all color varieties with white; except the “pointed” designs and the chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn.
  • Any amount of white is allowed, for example a white flame, a white medallion, a white and white chest on the belly, on the feet, etc.


To make these cats more docile and affable, it is convenient to put them in contact with humans from an early age, as soon as they are weaned, in order to make the kittens understand that they can trust humans and then transmit this attachment to their puppies.

His favorite food is fresh, but he can also eat packaged food, with about 200g of food per day. Its most suitable diet is made of boiled raw meat and fish. Better to avoid seasonings and desserts, but prefer foods rich in proteins, so as not to hinder growth in all its size.

His coat, already naturally protected, does not need any special care, just brush it during the period of fur shedding, especially in summer, when the suit is particularly striking.

Price of the Siberian cat

The Siberian cat is found with a pedigree at a price of around 900-1000 €.
When choosing to adopt the Siberian cat, it is good, in addition to the cost, to evaluate the most suitable breeding and follow the advice of the breeder regarding the character and nature of the specimen. Discover the Siberian cat farms here.

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