Cat breeds

The world of purebred cats, how to choose a purebred cat and how to find serious and qualified breeders

In this section, we will explore the distinctive characteristics of different cat breeds, from Persian cats to Maine Coons, from Siamese to Bengal. I will tell you about the historical origins of each breed and the peculiarities of their appearance, coat and character.

There are more than 50, almost 60 breeds of cats in the world. Each feline breed has variations in colour, morphology and length of hair.

You will learn about the different care needs and possible pathologies to which some breeds may be more susceptible. I’ll help you figure out which breed might be best suited to your lifestyle and family.

Remember that, before choosing a purebred cat, it is essential to evaluate your ability to meet its needs and take care of it with love and attention. Always consult a veterinarian and talk to serious and responsible breeders to obtain reliable information on the breed you are interested in.

The cat breeds existing in Italy are registered in a Genealogical Book, held by three associations:  ANFI, AFEF and ENFI. Each of these associations recognized by MIPAAF has its own stud book, and all the purebred cats born are registered there.

If you want to learn more about the Herd Book, here is a document kindly offered by Laura Settimo, British cat breeder in Rome, ANFI National Councilor: Click here to open the PDF

Discover the different personalities, distinctive traits and elegance of the various cat breeds in this section dedicated to purebred cats on

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