The downsides of owning a cat: everything you need to know before adopting One

The cons of having a cat

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Adopting a cat is a wonderful experience, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Even cats, with their irresistible charm, can bring a few challenges. If you’re considering welcoming a cat into your home, knowing the potential “downsides” will help you prepare and make the most of this adventure. Today, I’ll share some personal anecdotes and discuss the main disadvantages of owning a cat and how to handle them.

Issues with cats: managing the litter box

One of the first “downsides” many people notice is managing the litter box. Cats are extremely clean animals, but it’s up to us to keep their litter box spotless. A neglected litter box can cause problems, from bad odors to discomfort for your cat. If your cat feels uncomfortable for any reason, they may start relieving themselves outside the litter box or elsewhere in the house.

I partially solved this issue by placing the litter box on the balcony and installing a pet door in the wall so my cats could be independent. I used a simple large litter box like this one, but the real effort is keeping it clean daily.

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The costs associated with adopting a cat

Adopting a cat doesn’t just mean offering them a home; it means caring for them in every way. Quality food, vet visits, toys, and accessories are recurring expenses. Let’s not forget unexpected costs, such as medical treatments in case of illness.

My cats Lady and Oscar taught me the importance of planning an adequate budget. During a veterinary emergency, I realized how crucial it is to be ready for anything. Be mindful of your finances: if a cat falls ill, the costs can be high, and it’s not fair to adopt a cat if you can’t afford to care for them when needed.

Scratches on furniture: a classic “downside”

Cats love to scratch—it’s in their DNA. This can mean damaged furniture, especially if they don’t have the right scratching posts. If you don’t train them from a young age, they might turn your couch into a nail workout station. Invest in a quality scratching post, like this sturdy model, and place it in an area your cat frequents to encourage its use.

The risk of allergies

Another downside can be allergies. Even those without obvious allergies may develop sensitivity to a cat’s fur or saliva. It’s important to be aware of this possibility before adopting a cat. Take allergy tests, especially if you’ve had sensitivity to other animals.

If you’re considering adopting a cat, spend some time at a friend’s house who has a cat to see if you experience any issues.

Problematic behaviors

Among the most common problems with cats are behaviors like scratching and biting, improper litter box use, or excessive meowing. These signals often reflect unmet needs such as boredom, stress, or health issues.

When I adopted Oscar, I learned that every cat has its own personality. He, for example, was a master at hiding every time he heard a loud noise. I found that a calm environment and interactive toys helped him relax. Try an interactive toy like this one to engage your cat and help them expend their energy.

Be sure to provide hiding spots and quiet spaces for your cats at home: beds in hidden corners, under the bed, or in areas where they won’t be disturbed.

Time constraints

A cat requires less time than a dog, but they’re not completely self-sufficient. Between cleaning the litter box, feeding, and playtime, you’ll need to dedicate at least an hour a day. If you have a busy life, consider carefully whether you can provide the time and attention they deserve.

Tips for adopting a cat: be ready for compromises

Adopting a cat means accepting small compromises. The downsides of owning a cat are often outweighed by the love and companionship these wonderful animals bring. Be prepared, get informed, and be ready to learn from them—every cat is a teacher of life!

An help: the MicioGatto cat behavior manual

In the MicioGatto manual there is a lot of help on cat management, with advice from veterinarians to respond to the most common problems that can arise at home.

Conclusion: are the downsides of owning a cat truly insurmountable?

The answer depends on you. A cat brings joy but also responsibility. Preparing for the potential disadvantages of owning a cat is the first step toward creating a serene and welcoming environment for your feline friend. And remember: cats are not just pets—they are true companions for life!

Do you already have a cat? Are you thinking of adopting one? Share your experience in the comments—I love reading my readers’ stories! 😻

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